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A Night with Jeff Poulo Duo
July 25, 2020 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Live music outside on the patio at Barrel Run Crossing Winery and Vineyard.
A bit of information on our new policies… We will be operating on a one way traffic system for ordering and providing service. We ask that you enter through the front door of the house closest to Industry Road and exit through the backdoor each time you order or use our restrooms. Our outdoor restroom is open.We also ask that you remain outside the tasting room if there are more than 5 people at the counter to observe proper social distancing. Our kitchen will be offering a cafe menu. Outside food is welcome as in times past. As per government guidelines we require 6 foot social distancing for employees, guests and seating. Reservations are recommended, as seating is limited. We have new party pavilion seating available. You are always welcome to bring your own seating for the lawn.
Thank you for your help in keeping everyone safe and healthy.