Important Details:
1. All supplies and instruction will be provide for each session and as always come with 1-2 glasses of wine.
2. Registration and pre-payment required the THURSDAY before each event (CASH or CHECK preferred).
3. Must have a minimum of 10 per class/date.
4. March = $40. Wood Boxes with Mason Jars. You will have the option to fill with dirt and bulbs for indoor growth, or paint only.
5. May = $45. Initial Board. These are so neat! Do family initial and name on pallet! All must be pre-registered AND pre-paid as these are made with stencils.
6. June = $35. Wine Glasses (Set of 2).
7. August = $37. OSU Door Hanger; Go Bucks!
Pick 1, 2, 3, or more and we will have a great evening sipping wine and making some great décor items for our homes. 🙂